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Powder coating equipment in the spray gun often appear problems and solutions

Powder coating is an efficient and environmentally friendly coating method commonly used to coat industrial products, however, in practice, spray guns often have problems that affect coating results and work efficiency. 

This article will introduce some of the problems that often occur with spray guns in powder coating equipment and provide solutions to help you better meet these challenges.

Powder coating equipment in the spray gun often appear problems and solutions

Problem 1: Uneven Paint Mist

Possible Cause: 

Uneven paint mist can be caused by factors such as powder particle size, uneven powder density, unstable air pressure, clogged nozzles or incorrect gun angle.


  • 1. Powder Screening: Use a uniform powder to avoid problems caused by uneven particle sizes. 2.
  • 2. Uniformity of mixing: Before use, mix the powder thoroughly to ensure uniform density.
  • 3. Stable air pressure: Adjust the air supply system to maintain a stable air pressure to ensure uniform paint mist.
  • 4. Regular Maintenance: Clean the nozzle regularly to avoid clogging.
  • 5. spray gun angle: adjust the spray gun angle and distance to maintain a suitable spraying range.

Problem 2: Gun Clogging

Possible Cause: 

Gun clogging can be caused by high powder humidity, powder residue build-up in the nozzle, powder adhering to the inside of the nozzle, etc.


  • 1. Powder storage: Keep powder dry and avoid high humidity. 2.
  • 2. Regular Cleaning: Clean the inside of the nozzle and gun regularly to prevent powder residue build-up. 3.
  • 3. Nozzle Coating: Use nozzles with anti-stick coatings to reduce powder adhesion.

Problem 3: Uneven Coating Thickness

Possible Cause: 

Uneven coating thickness can be caused by unstable air pressure, inconsistent gun travel speeds, and inaccurate powder flow control.


  • 1. stable air pressure: adjust the air supply system to maintain a stable air pressure to ensure uniform coating.
  • 2. uniform movement: move the gun evenly to maintain a consistent coating speed. 3.
  • 3. Powder flow control: Adjust powder flow as needed to ensure consistent coating thickness.

Powder coating equipment in the spray gun often appear problems and solutions

Problem 4: Electrostatic Failure

Possible causes: 

Electrostatic failure can be caused by poor gun connections, unstable ground wires, damaged electrostatic gun, etc.


1. Connection check: Make sure the gun is firmly connected to avoid interruption of the electrostatic signal.

2. Stable ground: Use a stable earth wire to ensure that the electrostatic signal is conducted. 3.

3. Maintenance and Replacement: Regularly check the status of the electrostatic gun and replace it in time if it is damaged.

Problem 5: Low spraying efficiency

Possible causes: 

Low spraying efficiency may be caused by excessive curing of powder, poor powder fluidity, improper nozzles, unskilled operation and other factors.


  • 1. Curing time: Adjust the curing time to avoid over-curing of powder. 2.
  • 2. Powder fluidity: Select powder with good fluidity to improve spraying efficiency. 3.
  • 3. Nozzle selection: Select the appropriate nozzle according to the coating requirements. 4.
  • 4. Technical Training: Conduct operation training to improve the operation technique.


The solution of common problems of spray gun in powder coating equipment needs to consider the quality of powder, air pressure stability, spray gun maintenance and other factors. Through reasonable operation and maintenance, these problems can be solved effectively to improve the coating effect and work efficiency, so that the powder coating process is smoother and more reliable.

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